Personalized homecare services
The Buurtzorg nursing team will assess comprehensive needs of elderly during the first home visit. Based on the initial assessment, an individualized care plan will be developed for each participant. Our team will provide comprehensive nursing care for the elderly participants over the course of 6 to 12 weeks, which enables them to continue "age in place" in a familiar community.
New members will receive an initial consultation session free of charge.
Community-based Health Management Program
Referred by district partnering organizations, our interdisciplinary team consists of social workers and nurses will conduct comprehensive health assessments and develop individualized care plans based on the results of the assessment. This program aims to assist the elderly participants in establishing their health vision, increase participant's awareness of their own health, jointly set health goals and improvement plans, strengthen their self-efficacy, and improve the health and lifestyle of the elderly in the long run. This program will also leverage the participant's informal and formal care networks to support the development of community care and support services of the elderly.
Currently, we are only accepting referrals from partnering organizations.

About Us
"HomAge: Home-based aging by transformative community care" is a project organised by College of Business, City University of Hong Kong (CityU), co-organised by The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), funded by Bank of China (Hong Kong). Based on the world renowned Buurtzorg home-based care model, the project aims to implement a new home-based care model in Hong Kong to address the health needs of elderly following discharge from hospital in a holistic and comprehensive manner.